Occasions by Shakira

What We’re Packing for Disney

Hey, friends! As you know, we are huge Disney fanatics in this household. Our love began at Disney World (head to my Instagram to check out the fun Disney highlights), but since moving to California, as an active duty military family, we’ve made it our business to make as many memories as possible at Disneyland. We’re headed back to the parks, and I wanted to share all of the cute things we’re taking with us.

UPDATE: Come see how we partnered with Disneyland to #CelebrateSoulfully!

If you have any questions, please leave them below. Be sure to head to the parks with us on Instagram stories.

Simply click the highlighted number that corresponds to the image above it, and you’ll go straight to the affiliate product link. As always, thanks for shopping my finds, and allowing me to earn a small commission for our family.

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xoxo, Shakira

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