Occasions by Shakira

36 Week BUMPdate!

Hi, friends! I can’t believe we are on the tail end of this pregnancy. It’s been about a month since our 32 Week BUMPdate, and quite a bit has happened since then.

Our little guy has been positioned transverse (laying across my body instead of vertically) and we weren’t sure if he was going to move his head downward in time. According to my Obstetrician, 96% of transverse babies don’t change position after the 36 month mark. Thankfully, we didn’t have to cross that bridge. Our 36 week appointment went well, and he’s in the optimal position for birth.

They are estimating that he is right at around 6lbs right now. His sisters were born 6lbs 8oz and 6lbs 10oz. I have a feeling he’s going to beat them–by a long shot.

Daddy is back at work after weeks of working at home during COVID-19. I miss him so much. We have had to work through a few different scenarios to try and plan around me going into labor while he is on post. What’s the saying? We make plans, and God laughs? I know that ultimately he has a plan for our son’s birth, and it will all be well. We are both all packed up, and you can check out my Labor and Delivery Essentials post. Still trying to keep the extras at a minimum, and praying to be healthy and discharged within a 24 hour time block. I want nothing more than to be safe at home, and away from COVID.

Mama has been feeling well overall. I don’t get very much sleep between insomnia, acid reflux, and this third trimester belly—but I honestly feel like I haven’t gotten good sleep in five years….so…yeah. We are making it. The baby gets hiccups often, and it’s my favorite thing to feel his little body moving in that pattern. I have been trying my best to soak it in, as I know I’ll miss my belly when he gets here.

My sweet friends threw us a MONSTER JAM baby shower parade. Literally the coolest quarantine baby shower and intro into #boymom life EVER! I’ll never forget how special they made me feel. They thought out every single fun detail, loaded us up with kind notes and gifts, and even brought over dinner.

Last weekend, I made a few freezer meals for us to prepare during those first (sleepy) newborn months. They’re all easy crockpot recipes, that don’t require much. It took a few hours, but I know future me will be happy to have done it. We were also able to sneak in a social distancing friendly mini session earlier this month. Kristin Guynn Photography was amazing, and was so cautious and kind during the shoot. If you’re local to Fort Bragg, check her out for sure. She did an amazing job of capturing us in our last weeks as a family of four.

We finally finished up Raegan and Zarie’s new big girl room makeover–and they seem to really love it. Big sisters are doing well. Raegan will be wrapping up virtual PRE-K soon, and then it will be time to enjoy summer, and prepare for Kindergarten and Zarie’s first year of preschool (a few mornings a week).

They both are VERY excited to meet their brother. Raegan asks daily if he’s ready to POP OUT, and every day I tell her that only God knows when he will POP haha. Zarie dances with him, holds my belly, and talks to him several times a day. I think I am going to have a second little mama on my hands with her.

I have been working on a special little tea party box for them to enjoy while I am in the hospital. I feel bad that they won’t be able to come visit the hospital, and I know they will miss their daddy and me. The tea party box will have some small gifts, a new book, fancy tea cups/plates, and muffins for them to make with their MiMi. I hope to share all those details on Insta this upcoming week!

Artwork by Sonja Udermann

I think that’s all, folks! I have another appointment in about a week. I always appreciate your support and prayers during this time. We cannot wait to welcome this sweet boy. I plan to write another update if I make it to 39-40 weeks. Stay tuned!


xoxo, Shakira

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