Occasions by Shakira

32 Week BUMPdate

Hi, friends! I feel totally embarrassed (kinda) that it’s taken me to week 32 to update (or bumpdate, if you will) you all with a blog post on my pregnancy. If you’re following me on Instagram, then you know that the last eight months have been a bit of a whirlwind with the holidays, influencer campaigns, our Disney Cruise, and the onset of so many life changes that COVID-19 has bought our way.

How is quarantine going?

To be totally honest, I have really been taking this period of quarantine to focus on family life, nesting, and my relationship with Christ. Mark has been working from home 90% of the time, both girls have been pulled from school and activities, and we have really been trying to navigate this new 24/7 at-home dynamic together. I am an introverted homebody stay-at-home mom, so, for the most part, it hasn’t been a huge change for me haha. I love going on family adventures, and seeing the world together, but I also genuinely love time spent at home, and finding the magic in the ordinary and familiar.

I haven’t been inside any building, other than my own house, and my doctor’s office in eight weeks. I’ve tried my hardest not to put my pregnant body at risk. I miss actually seeing my loved ones, and being able to visit my parents. I miss going to the grocery store. I never thought I would say that, but I never realized how specific I am with our shopping until I had to place it all in my husband’s hands. I’ve had to lean on him to basically take care of any tasks outside of our home, and he’s been such an amazing partner in this. I can’t say enough how grateful I am that he isn’t deployed right now.

Raegan was in PRE-K two mornings a week, so even under normal circumstances, she is mostly home with Zarie and me. Her teacher has done a phenomenal job at helping us adjust to learning from home. She has also been such a champ. I am in awe of how such a tiny girl processes such huge emotions so well. I know that she misses her friends, and our family so much right now. I know she wants to go to the movies (her favorite), and play at the playground at school…but she manages to pull the good out of every single day. I pray that I am handling my big emotions with the grace of my almost five-year-old. Zarie hasn’t seemed to notice much of a change. Homegirl is loving having her sister and daddy home.

I wholeheartedly believe that God has purposely placed us in this position for a reason much greater than my understanding. It seems to me that so much of the outside noise and necessity has stopped, and made room for the stuff that really matters. I have been praying nonstop—mostly asking for a heart that seeks faith over the tragedy of this world. I am constantly asking for His guidance in viewing this global situation through a lens of a believer, and I have asked Him to ease any fear that creeps in through the cracks…as only a true Savior can. This has kept me sane. Through all of the viral sickness, news stories, social distancing…the bazillion homemade meals (and dishes), cancelled baby shower, and nonstop toddler questions–He has kept me. I feel good, y’all. We have been crafting like crazy, utilizing all of the sunny days that we can for outdoor movie nights, pool days, and dinners on the back porch. If you’re looking for some ideas for family activities, download my 40 Things To Do During Quarantine idea list.

What about Baby Boy?

Our little guy is doing well. Praise God. Last week, my doctor said that our little man is measuring right on time. He has a name (YAY), and his very own room! He is VERY active these days, and I have a feeling he’s going to have insanely long limbs, just like his big sisters. We are at that stage in pregnancy where Mark and the girls can see his kicks from the outside. It never fails to entertain Raegan and Zarie haha. They kiss and rub him every single day. They have lovingly nicknamed him Bub/Bubby.

Because of the virus, my regular prenatal appointment schedule was changed, but last week I learned that we will be going back to our bi-weekly appointments for the rest of this pregnancy. I feel so grateful to be able to hear his heartbeat, and have him checked on in-person.

I had planned to get a fun 4D ultrasound done at 30 weeks, just as I had in the past with the girls, but COVID literally shut that option down haha. I am hoping to SAFELY go and have one done, before delivery…but we will see how that works out. We may just have to wait until his birth day to see his sweet face. I am low-key hoping he has dimples like his sisters do.

What about Mama?

Mama is good too. I have my days. So very tired, but good. I love being pregnant. I always have. It makes me feel beautiful, and like a badass. Braxton Hicks have been CRAAAAAAZY, y’all! I have been having them since my first trimester, and they’re only getting stronger. Doctor says this is normal, especially for it being my fourth pregnancy. I keep wondering if he has turned head down yet. Maybe the doctor will be able to tell at next week’s appointment.

I have also been having terrible sciatic nerve pain. I had this with Zarie’s pregnancy, so it’s nothing new. Basically, my lower back always hurts, sometimes in an extreme way. I have shooting nerve pain down the back of my left leg. It feels tingly and weird haha. I have been able to do some exercises and stretches to help with this. I also have pretty bad insomnia most nights. Maybe it’s my body’s way of getting me ready for those sleepless nights.

I have been nesting like crazy for weeks now. We have transitioned Zarie and Raegan into a shared room, and I have been working on the baby’s nursery. I’ve stockpiled diapers and wipes, and gone through all of the hand-me-downs from the girls. Organizing and styling that space has given me so much peace. I love folding all of the tiny things, and sitting in his nursery chair, imagining him there with me. I also just love preparing for a baby BOY. Just give me alllll the blue, y’all.

What is labor and delivery going to look like?

Welp, who knows. Raegan asks me every week if it is time for Bub to come out yet haha. I told her that only God knows when he will come out. Both Raegan and Zarie came during week 37. So we have between 5-8 weeks to go. I ask for a hospital policy update from my doctor at each visit. As of right now our hospital has a no visitor policy, which means you’re allowed one labor partner, and that is it. Mark will be able to bring me in for delivery, and be with me during the labor (THANK GOD), but he isn’t allowed to leave and come back again. So he either stays with the baby and me, or he leaves to help care for the girls, and will see us at discharge. We also will have to wear face masks. The girls won’t meet the baby until we are discharged and come home from the hospital.

Military life makes things tricky when this time comes. In an ideal world, I would have family in town, and wouldn’t have to think twice about this. If I could plan it out, I’ll go into labor while the girls are sleeping, and we can call a good friend to come sit at the house, until family can arrive in town (about a 4 hour drive). My doctor said that as long as the baby and I are healthy, we are likely to be discharged within 24 hours. I pray this is the case. I want nothing more than to just bring my baby home, and be a family of 5, as soon as possible. Our plan is to keep him safe in isolation for a while.

I can’t fixate on how any of this will play out. There are so many what-ifs, but there is no way to know what changes will come our way over the coming weeks. I’ll continue to ready our space for his arrival, and soak in the girls, for the fleeting time that I have with just the two of them. I have also packed up my hospital bag, and you can find my full packing list (with links) at Labor and Delivery Hospital Bag Essentials.

I believe that is all for now, friends! Thank you to all of the kind souls who have checked in on me over the months. I appreciate your love and prayers. I am making it a goal to do another BUMPdate before Baby Boy’s arrival. Until then, follow along with me on Insta. Stay safe!

Sidenote: For those who have been inquiring, I am planning for our next Occasion Kit launch to be this Fall. Can’t wait!


xoxo, Shakira

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