Occasions by Shakira

Chocolate Chip Cookies

I firmly believe that girls belong in the kitchen! Before you judge, hear me out. I believe that boys belong in the kitchen too. I think that all children can benefit from time spent helping make meals. I believe that it is important for them to know what goes into making their food. Even as adults, with access to the most fabulous of reservations, it is necessary to be able to create good food for yourself–and maybe, one day, for a family.

One of my goals as a #girlmom is to make sure that when my daughters leave my home, that they are able to love through food. That means I want them to love themselves, by providing sustenance for their own bodies. I want them to be able to spread love through inviting others to their table. I want them to understand a good balance between cookies and kale salad. I want them to have a few dope recipes that they can pull off at the drop of a hat. Be empowered! Cook dinner every night, or order in just as much. Just make sure you’re able to do both! For now though, they’re one and three, and silly little cooks.

We have our fair share of dinnertime insanity in this house. There are nights when my only goal is to whip something up in 30 minutes while praying the girls don’t make too much mayhem. Most of the time, Zarie is “cooking” with me because she is permanently attached to my hip. Regardless of the inevitable mess it will make, I try and invite my girls to create meals with me often. We make cookies A LOT.

She fed me a chocolate chip, then her, then Raegan–then her, then me, then Raegan…then…

I always use baking as an opportunity to teach. We measure, and compare. I ask Raegan to hand mama the “biggest” spoon. Or we count out each cup of flour that we add in. I ask her if vanilla is “sweet” or “sour” tasting. She loves cracking the egg. I love seeing her little mind work. She has so much fun with it. Zarie observes and tastes. She’s been known to double fist these bad boys!

This cookie recipe always reminds me of my niece, Anaïs. She lives in California now, but she loves her Auntie’s chocolate chip cookies. The image of her with chocolate smeared all over here face is one that I will never forget. These cookies bake up so fluffy and soft. I always make them for friends and family. This is my quick “dope go-to” dessert recipe. I hope that you enjoy it as much as my family does!

I also want to dedicate this post to my own mama. She has filled my belly with thousands of amazing meals. She is a #girlmom who worked hard, and always made sure we ate well. She is also responsible for teaching me how to make amazing baked macaroni and cheese. Thank you for always letting me help. Thank you for showing me the way, mama. 


Sidenote: This recipe does substitutions very well. We’ve used coconut sugar, non-dairy butter, and all-purpose flour before. All tasted fantastic. Whole wheat flour is better for you, but the white flour makes softer cookies. ENJOY!

Photos: Lola Vargas Photography
Custom Sweatshirt: This N’ That Designs

xoxo, Shakira

One Response

  1. I’ve tasted your cookies before, they are delish! I love that your girls are learning and enjoying time with Mama in the kitchen

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