I still can’t believe how quickly this school year is passing! May is almost here, which means that Teacher Appreciation Week (Monday May 6th – Friday May 10th) will be here before we know it. If you follow along with me on Instagram, then you know that I love to share fun ways to treat teachers throughout the year. Our Teacher Apple Gift Idea went VIRAL last year and, the Teacher Valentines and Christmas Tote ideas were wildly popular. We also gift fun Teacher Welcome Baskets at the beginning of the school year, and while not a necessity, it is a fun way to treat our educators and ring in a fresh start to the year.
For me, that is what Teacher Appreciation Week is all about. It’s about treating the people who pour so much into our children every day. I want to mention that teacher gifting (and really any gifting) is rooted in sentiment. I also know we don’t always have the space in our budget for these extras, I have a list of Free Teacher Gift Ideas to incorporate throughout the year. You can also check out 5 Teacher Appreciation Gifts that I shared in 2022.
Teacher Appreciation Week is typically Mon-Friday, the official Teacher Appreciation Day is on Tuesday May 7, 2023, and I’ve seen caregivers celebrate in a variety of different ways. Some send in little notes or treats (think a donut or coffee) every single day, and some choose to send in one gift on 5/3 or to start or end the week. When it comes to this kind of thing, it’s best to do what serves your schedule and budget.
I did a huge teacher poll on Instagram, and out of hundreds of responses the #1 favorite gift teachers loved was gift cards. I believe most of them really appreciate the flexibility of getting something they love. Target, Amazon, Starbucks or local restaurants were the most requested gift cards. Personalized gifts, handwritten notes and artwork were next on the list (although gift cards still dominated BY FAR). Things teachers said time and time again that they didn’t enjoy receiving: MUGS (this was the most popular answer, by far), candles, perfume/cosmetics, and handmade baked goods.
Mom Hack: I love gifting Starbucks gift cards, because they’re actually pretty versatile. If the educator doesn’t like coffee, they can get tea, a fun frappuccino, a quick snack/breakfast, or bakery item.
Another super popular idea is adding a gift card or gift certificate to their favorite restaurant to a stack of paper plates and napkins. My school supply collection with My Mind’s Eye is the perfect extra touch. Who wouldn’t want a night off from dinner and dishes? Snag a cute printable to add to to the mix from my friend over at Dear Jane Paper.

1. Apple Plates
2. Target Gift Card
3. Notebook Paper Plates
4. Apple Containers
5. Composition Book Cups
6. Ruler Table Runner
7. Ruler Ribbon
8. Pink Eraser Napkin
9. School Bus Gift Box
10. Post-it Note School Bus
11. Backpack Treat Bags
12. Target Gift Card
13. Pencil Gift Box
14. Starbucks Gift Cards
15. Apple Post-It Note Dispenser
16. Apple Gift Box
17. Schoolbus Stamp Set
I hope this sparked a few fun ideas as we head into Teacher Appreciation week. As always, if you have any questions at all, please leave them below! I am happy to help!
2 Responses
I am looking for the printable beginning of the year teacher questionnaire you once shared. Could you please share with me Mrs Shakira Thank you