Just a reminder that for all of the books below, if you scroll over the title of the book, next to the number, and click, the link will take you directly to the Amazon Prime affiliate link to shop. You can add them to your wish list that way as well; to purchase in the future.
1. Love Grows Everywhere
by Barry Timms and illustrated by Tisha Lee

2. Heart String
by Brooke Boynton-Hughes

3. A Valentine for Uni the Unicorn
by Amy Krouse Rosenthal Pictures based on art by Brigette Barrager

4. Love, Escargot
by Dashka Slater pictures by Sydney Hanson

5. Smooch!
by Karen Kilpatrick illustrated German Blanco

6. Crocodiles Need Kisses Too
by Rebecca Colby illustrations by Penelope Dullaghan

7. Harvey The Heart Had Too Many Farts
by Jane Bexley

This book is appropriate for ALL AGES who don’t mind silly toot humor (that is not overly gross). Words used include: toot, fart, gas, booty, and bum.
8. Zombie in Love
by Kelly DiPucchio illustrated by Scott Campbell

9. Love, Z
by Jessie Sima

10. Love Is
by Diane Adams illustrated by Claire Keane

11. Tiny T. Rex and the Perfect Valentine
by Jonathan Stutzman illustrated Jay Fleck

12. L is for Love
by Greg Paprocki

13. Hair Love
by Matthew A. Cherry illustrated by Vashti Harrison

14. Love is a Truck
by Amy Novesky illustrated Sara Gillingham

15. A Crankenstein Valentine
by Samantha Berger illustrated by Dan Santat

16. This is Not a Valentine
by Carter Higgins illustrated by Lucy Ruth Cummins

17. Love is a Tutu
by Amy Novesky illustrated by Sara Gillingham

18. Valensteins
by Ethan Long

The members of Fright Club are always ready to scare, but tonight Fran K. Stein has something else on his mind. He’s busy making something, and the other monsters want to know what it is.
Could it be a mask with fangs? A big pink nose? Or maybe a paper butt? No . . . it’s a Valentine!
19. The Calendar Kids Meet February
by April Martin

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